Treatments Offered at The Get Well Center
Treatments Offered
Dr. Bolte, a chiropractor for over 25 years that provides chiropractic health through adjusting techniques like: Diversified, Gonstead, Activator, Arthorstim, spinal manipulation, and drop table spinal adjustments.
Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Chi-gong, Moxi, Korean Hand Acupuncture, Cranial Acupuncture, Anchor Point System, Microcurrent Acupuncture, Auricular Acupuncture, and Laser Point Acupuncture.
Craniosacral therapy enhanses the body’s natural healing by improving blood flow to the head and spine – optimizing the flow of vital cerebrospinal fluid to the spinal cord and brain.
Body Work
A therapeutic technique that involves working with the human body in a form involving manipulative therapy, energy medicine, or breath work.
Spinal Decompression
Therapy helps to create a negative pressure in your disc (decompression) allowing reparative blood and nutrients to return, thus restoration of the disc occurs.
Laser Therapy
The light from cold laser is absorbed into the cells of the human body then utilized in the same way plant cells use light Quanta with the chain of photosynthesis.
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