Craniosacral Therapy
Craniosacral therapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions and ailments. These include migraine headaches, neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, immune disorders, scoliosis, stress and tension problems, and head or spinal injuries.
What Is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral therapy (CST) was introduced in the 1970s by physician John Upledger. Cranial sacral therapy is a type of alternative therapy that focused on manipulating the body, primarily the head, in a gentle way to treat physical and mental ailments. It is derived from the field of osteopathy, which focuses on the manipulation of muscles and bones as a method of curing disease.
CST is based on a skilled understanding of the human skull and focuses on the craniosacral system as the root cause of many medical conditions. Skilled practitioners of CST are able to interpret the rhythms and movements of the bones around the cranium and throughout the body. These motions can then be manipulated to treat several conditions.
CST is a means of complementing and boosting the body’s own natural healing processes. By clearing out and adjusting the craniosacral system, your body’s central nervous system is better able to ward off and heal from any maladies.
How Can Craniosacral Therapy Help You?
CST can help you if you are suffering from one of many conditions or illnesses. This is especially the case if you have noticed that you have tension in your head, neck, or back.
Craniosacral therapy can be used for people of all ages and has helped many find relief from ailments that resisted other forms of treatment.
Cranial sacral therapy can also be used as a preventative measure against many diseases. If you want to ensure that you remain in peak physical and mental condition, then periodic CST treatments are a great supplement to a healthy lifestyle.
What Does A Cranial Sacral Therapy Session Consist Of?
When you attend a craniosacral therapy session, the meeting will begin with a conversation about your condition to identify what in particular is concerning you. Over the course of an hour (typically), your chosen practitioner will gently touch your head, feet, or midriff to identify the rhythms that your body is making.
Then, if needed, your chosen practitioner will use a slight amount of pressure to alter the flow of your cerebrospinal fluids circulating in your body. This pressure is usually explained as being no more than the weight of a nickel. With craniosacral therapy, there is no manipulation of bones as you would expect at a chiropractic session.
What Is Craniosacral Therapy Used To Treat?
Craniosacral therapy is used to treat a wide range of conditions and ailments. These include migraine headaches, neck and back pain, fibromyalgia, immune disorders, scoliosis, stress and tension problems, and head or spinal injuries.
CST is also widely used for assisting in the treatment of mental illnesses as well. If you suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, central nervous system disorders, chronic fatigue, emotional difficulties such as depression or anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder then you can find relief from visiting a CST practitioner.
Most medical conditions or ailments that involve the nervous system, and the craniosacral system, can be treated effectively with cranial sacral therapy.
Can Cranial Sacral Therapy Treat Autism?
Since autism generally creates a loss of flexibility and inflammation in the membranes of the brain, CST is a valuable tool in the treatment of this condition. Using gentle release and pumping techniques to ease this pressure and strain, skilled CST practitioners can significantly reduce the symptoms of autism in many cases.
What Are The Benefits Of CST?
One of the biggest advantages of cranial sacral therapy is that it is non-invasive. If you are hesitant to start a course of powerful medication or undergo a risky surgery, your first option should be a course of CST. If this gentle and calming treatment to your condition can solve the problem effectively, you will have avoided the damaging side-effects and uncertainties involved in more invasive treatment approaches.
Are There Disadvantages To Using CST?
While there are no explicit disadvantages to using CST, there are some people who should not undergo it. These include those individuals with bleeding disorders, a preexisting aneurysm, or recent head or spinal trauma.
What About The Claims That CST Is Unscientific?
More research needs to be done to highlight the benefits of CST in the medical literature. However, many testimonials attest to the usefulness and power of cranial sacral therapy to treat many conditions. This form of treatment has helped many to find relief from their, often severe, symptoms in a significant way.
Are There Any Side Effects?
One of the big advantages of craniosacral therapy is that there are no significant negative side effects to speak of. This makes it preferable for many patients in lieu of medications or surgical approaches to treat their conditions.
Are There Other Things To Consider Before Trying Craniosacral Therapy?
Make sure that you find a suitable CST practitioner who can empathize with your needs and provide you with compassionate and respectful care. If you make the effort to find a practitioner who is sensitive to your needs, you are more likely to achieve the positive outcome that you are after. In the best outcomes of CST, patients leave the session with an enhanced sense of well-being and a feeling of peace with oneself.
Explore The Benefits Of Craniosacral Therapy
If you have a condition or ailment that does not seem to respond to conventional treatments, or if you want to avoid undergoing surgery or taking powerful medications, then cranial sacral therapy is the best course of action for you.
Make sure to find a licensed craniosacral therapy practitioner to ensure that you receive the best possible outcomes from your treatment program. At the Get Well Center, Dr. John Bolte has successfully treated many patients using this set of techniques. Make your appointment today to find relief and move forward with a life free of disease.